Contact us

Do you have any questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us!

If you have any inquiries or comments about the congress, the registration process, or the schedule, write to us at  or check out the General information page

To contact a member of our team



Dre Véronic Deschênes Director Write to Véronic 514 875-8511, ext. 2226
Dr Mario Auger JDIQ Management Advisor Write to Mario 514 875-8511, ext. 2241
Jackie Potvin Coordinator for JDIQ and Exhibitors Write to Jackie 514 875-8511, ext. 2329
Christine Favreau Administrative Assistant for Registrations Write to Christine 514 875-8511, ext. 2237
Natalie Séguin Administrative Assistant for Speakers Write to Natalie 514 875-8511, ext. 2235