This evidence-based course will focus on essential technologies and clinical protocols for the successful treatment of the day-to-day endodontic scenarios. Topics to be covered include: 1. The dental operating microscope (DOM), which combines both magnification and illumination leading to enhanced visibility and an increased probability of locating extra canals without removing excessive tooth structure. 2. The benefit of incorporating three-dimensional imaging into your practice for enhanced visualization of difficult anatomy and dealing with challenging diagnoses will also be discussed. 3. Electric motors driving rotary and reciprocating files, which are indispensable for faster and safer glidepath and shaping of the canals. 4. The role of irrigants and irrigation has changed within the past few years as it has evolved from an adjunct solution to an important tool for disinfection. 5. Different devices and materials will be discussed for filling the root canal system “blocking” the portal of entrance to bacteria which is paramount to maintain the asepsis achieved during disinfection. During the hands-on portion of the course, attendees with perform the shaping and filling protocols discussed during the didactic component. At this time, instructors will be “over the shoulder” to provide feedback and discuss any question and/or concerns that may arise.
Learning Objectives:
- After completing the course, the students will be able to:
- Compare both rotary and reciprocating instruments when shaping the canals;
- Recognize the importance of the irrigation protocol with the aim of achieving disinfection;
- Compare several devices and materials for a three-dimensional obturation.
DDS, MSc, PhD, FRCD(C) - Winnipeg, Manitoba
Dr. Rodrigo Sanches Cunha completed his Undergraduate Dental Degree in 1994. His post-graduate studies include a Specialty degree in Endodontics obtained in 1997; in 2002, a M.Sc. degree in Clinical Dentistry (Endodontics), and in 2006, a Ph.D. degree. Dr. Cunha has been a guest speaker at more than 200 events worldwide. He has published more than 100 papers and abstracts in several peer reviewed journals. Dr. Cunha is a Part-time Professor at the College of Dentistry at the University of Manitoba.