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dim. 1 juin 8:30 à 15:30 dim. 1 juin 12:30 à 15:30
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Periodontal Surgical: Clinical Techniques Lecture and Hands-on Workshop


This 6 hour program will take a deep dive into periondontal techniques that can be immediately implemented into clinical practice the following day. Attendees will receive a combination of didactic lecture alternating with multiple hands-on instruction and self-practice sessions throughout the day.

Learning Objectives:

  • Attendees will learn surgical principles, anatomic prinicples, flap reflection, osseous modification, and suturing concepts pertinent for crown lengthening and flap surgery.
  • Participants will become competent and learn various bone augmentation materials and techniques for ridge augmentation of an extraction site in preparation for future dental implatn placement.
  • Principles of suturing will be taught to including materials, handling, basic and advanced suturing techniques with a combination of demonstration and hands-on instruction.

Dr. Kevin Suzuki

D.M.D. M.S. - Bellevue, Washington

Le Dr Suzuki réside à Seattle, dans l'État de Washington, et exerce en tant que spécialiste en parodontologie et implantologie orale dans les régions de Federal Way et Seattle. Il a suivi sa formation à la Nova Southeastern University à Ft. Lauderdale, en Floride, avant de réaliser une résidence en parodontologie à la Temple University à Philadelphie, en Pennsylvanie.

Merci aux commanditaires de cette séance
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