
Dr. Israel Soriano

- DDS -

Mexico City, Mexico

Dr. Israel Soriano, an experienced Forensic Odontologist with twelve years of dedicated expertise. Specializing in dental human identification, age estimation, and actively engaged in humanitarian efforts.

His significant research contributions focus on dental age estimation and participation in Disaster Victim Identification workshops and conferences. Israel has worked extensively in Mexico, handling cases involving multiple casualties from illegal burials and accidents. Eager to expand his  expertise in an international context, he aspires to collaborate with established experts, drawing upon a passion for continual learning and embracing new challenges.

Dr. Fernando Retana

- DDS -

Mexico City, Mexico

Fernando Retana is a distinguished Dental Surgeon and Forensic Dentist Specialist renowned for expertise in forensic identification, dental age estimation, and data analysis. Formerly a Forensic Dental Expert at the Fiscalia General del Estado de Puebla, Fernando now serves as a key professional in Human Identification at the United Nations’ Extraordinary Forensic Identification Mechanism. He is an assistant Professor at UNAM and a crucial contributor to the ‘Forensic International Database (FIDB) for age estimation.


Several categories of dental age estimation will be discussed:

  • Age Estimation in Children – Open Apices in Teeth: Method assessing chronological age by examining the relationship between age and open apices in developing teeth, specifically focusing on children.
  • Age Estimation in Sub-adults – Open Apices in Third Molars: Assess adult age with the open apex maturity index for the third molar (I3M).
  • Adult Age Estimation using the Pulp/Tooth Ratio in Canines: Age estimation, utilizing periapical X-rays of upper and lower canines to evaluate secondary dentine apposition.


Notes: No Prior Knowledge Required: Attending the lectures does not require prior knowledge of human identification or dental age estimation.


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Tuesday, May 28, 2024, from 13:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. – room 511C

ODQ 2.5 units

AGD 145

RCDSO Category 2 = 3 CE points

